


文字區域 | Block希臘字母擴展 / Greek Extended (U+1F00–U+1FFF) PDF表格
初始版本 | Since VersionUnicode 1.1 發布於 1993/06
文字語系 | ScriptGreek
一般分類 | General CategoryLl / 小寫字母 (Lowercase_Letter)
書寫方向 | Bidirectional ClassL / 左至右書寫
書寫鏡射 | Bidirectional MirroredN / 否
組合類別 | Combining Class0 / Not_Reordered; 無
分解映射 | Decomposition Mapping<canonical> U+1F21 U+0345ͅ UAX#15
東亞寬度 | East Asian WidthN / 中立(與東亞文字無關,無從定義) UAX#11
直排方向 | Vertical OrientationR / 橫倒 UAX#50
詳細附註 | Notes分解 ≡ U+1F21 U+0345ͅ


HTML Entity&#8081;&#x1F91;
UTF-8E1 BE 91
URL Encode%e1%be%91

Emoji 繪文字序列

🤐1F910zipper-mouth faceUnicode 8.0
🤑1F911money-mouth faceUnicode 8.0
🤒1F912face with thermometerUnicode 8.0
🤓1F913nerd faceUnicode 8.0
🤔1F914thinking faceUnicode 8.0
🤕1F915face with head-bandageUnicode 8.0
🤖1F916robotUnicode 8.0
🤗1F917smiling face with open handsUnicode 8.0
🤘1F918sign of the hornsUnicode 8.0
🤘🏻1F918 1F3FBsign of the horns: light skin toneUnicode 8.0
🤘🏼1F918 1F3FCsign of the horns: medium-light skin toneUnicode 8.0
🤘🏽1F918 1F3FDsign of the horns: medium skin toneUnicode 8.0
🤘🏾1F918 1F3FEsign of the horns: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 8.0
🤘🏿1F918 1F3FFsign of the horns: dark skin toneUnicode 8.0
🤙1F919call me handUnicode 9.0
🤙🏻1F919 1F3FBcall me hand: light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤙🏼1F919 1F3FCcall me hand: medium-light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤙🏽1F919 1F3FDcall me hand: medium skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤙🏾1F919 1F3FEcall me hand: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤙🏿1F919 1F3FFcall me hand: dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤚1F91Araised back of handUnicode 9.0
🤚🏻1F91A 1F3FBraised back of hand: light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤚🏼1F91A 1F3FCraised back of hand: medium-light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤚🏽1F91A 1F3FDraised back of hand: medium skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤚🏾1F91A 1F3FEraised back of hand: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤚🏿1F91A 1F3FFraised back of hand: dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤛1F91Bleft-facing fistUnicode 9.0
🤛🏻1F91B 1F3FBleft-facing fist: light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤛🏼1F91B 1F3FCleft-facing fist: medium-light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤛🏽1F91B 1F3FDleft-facing fist: medium skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤛🏾1F91B 1F3FEleft-facing fist: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤛🏿1F91B 1F3FFleft-facing fist: dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤜1F91Cright-facing fistUnicode 9.0
🤜🏻1F91C 1F3FBright-facing fist: light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤜🏼1F91C 1F3FCright-facing fist: medium-light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤜🏽1F91C 1F3FDright-facing fist: medium skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤜🏾1F91C 1F3FEright-facing fist: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤜🏿1F91C 1F3FFright-facing fist: dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤝1F91DhandshakeUnicode 9.0
🤝🏻1F91D 1F3FBhandshake: light skin toneUnicode 14.0
🤝🏼1F91D 1F3FChandshake: medium-light skin toneUnicode 14.0
🤝🏽1F91D 1F3FDhandshake: medium skin toneUnicode 14.0
🤝🏾1F91D 1F3FEhandshake: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 14.0
🤝🏿1F91D 1F3FFhandshake: dark skin toneUnicode 14.0
🤞1F91Ecrossed fingersUnicode 9.0
🤞🏻1F91E 1F3FBcrossed fingers: light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤞🏼1F91E 1F3FCcrossed fingers: medium-light skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤞🏽1F91E 1F3FDcrossed fingers: medium skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤞🏾1F91E 1F3FEcrossed fingers: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤞🏿1F91E 1F3FFcrossed fingers: dark skin toneUnicode 9.0
🤟1F91Flove-you gestureUnicode 10.0
🤟🏻1F91F 1F3FBlove-you gesture: light skin toneUnicode 10.0
🤟🏼1F91F 1F3FClove-you gesture: medium-light skin toneUnicode 10.0
🤟🏽1F91F 1F3FDlove-you gesture: medium skin toneUnicode 10.0
🤟🏾1F91F 1F3FElove-you gesture: medium-dark skin toneUnicode 10.0
🤟🏿1F91F 1F3FFlove-you gesture: dark skin toneUnicode 10.0

其它 Emoji 網路資源