文字區域 | Block | 拉丁字母補充-1 / Latin-1 Supplement (U+0080–U+00FF) PDF表格 |
初始版本 | Since Version | Unicode 1.1 發布於 1993/06 |
文字語系 | Script | Common |
一般分類 | General Category | Sm / 數學符號 (Math_Symbol) |
書寫方向 | Bidirectional Class | ON / most other symbols and punctuation marks |
書寫鏡射 | Bidirectional Mirrored | N / 否 |
組合類別 | Combining Class | 0 / Not_Reordered; 無 |
東亞寬度 | East Asian Width | A / 模稜兩可(在東亞字集裡傳統上是全形,反之為半形) UAX#11 |
直排方向 | Vertical Orientation | U / 正立 UAX#50 |
詳細附註 | Notes | 又名 = obelus • occasionally used as an alternate, more visually distinct shape for a hyphen in some contexts • historically used as a punctuation mark to denote questionable passages in manuscripts 參見 → (syriac harklean obelus - U+070B܋) 參見 → (commercial minus sign - U+2052⁒) 參見 → (minus sign - U+2212−) 參見 → (division slash - U+2215∕) 參見 → (divides - U+2223∣) 參見 → (ratio - U+2236∶) 參見 → (heavy division sign - U+2797➗) 參見 → (long division - U+27CC⟌) 參見 → (dotted obelos - U+2E13⸓) |
HTML Entity | ÷ ÷ |
UTF-8 | C3 B7 |
UTF-16 | 00F7 |
UTF-32 | 000000F7 |
URL Encode | %c3%b7 |
Big5 | [共通] A1D2 |
Shift_JIS | [共通] 8180 |
GB | [共通] A1C2 |
Adobe-CNS1 | [CNS1-0] 211 |
Adobe-Japan1 | [Std] (aj1) 696 |
jf當務字集 v0.9 | 基本包 |